Defending the Nature/Culture Divide
2 March 2017 | London, UK
Does new scientific research on development, epigenetics and gene-culture co-evolution show that nature and culture cannot be separated? And what does this assumption mean for our understanding of body and mind?
The Neural Basis of Real-World Social Interaction
6 February 2017 | London, UK
Most of us interact with other people on a daily basis. Yet, we know very little about how the brain supports dynamic social interactions. Dr Suzanne Dikker joins us to discuss collaborative projects with scientists, artists, and educators.
Neuro and the Readable Mind
6 June 2016 | London, UK
The human body was made legible long ago. But what of the human mind? A lecture by Nikolas Rose on the connections between neuroscience and the readable, knowable, transparent mind.
Shakespeare and the Mind
18 May 2016 | London, UK
What happens in your mind when you read or see Shakespeare performed? A lecture from Miranda Anderson on literature and the mind, followed by a conversation with neuroscientist Paul Matthews.
MacroCognition in Humans and Insects
15 December 2015 | London, UK
The first seminar in The Human Mind Project series was launched with a lecture by philosopher Bryce Huebner from Georgetown University.